Fire String Symphony

fire string symphony

Clouds upon blue horizon appear
as piano strings in his mind
fire string symphony silhouette sings songs 
he longingly waits to hear
send down winged player of infinite magic 
serenade heavenly sky
play me a song I wish to hear 
one last time before I die

angel announces a swan song serene 
playing unearthly harp
coming to be from out of a dream 
with wings of soft blowing breeze
rhythms are heard from past that is near 
and melodies oh so true
fire string symphony orchestral sound 
plays for me and you

Jehovah’s great chorus performs before us 
playing sweet harmony
lay my head down cover the ground
in bosom of mother earth
I hear a great calling forgiving receiving
inviting my soul inside
it plays me a song I wish to hear 
one more time before I die

heavens will open thunder with lightening 
as I hear the mighty sound
trumpets are blowing frequencies knowing 
which way to carry me home
I heard a voice singing perhaps angels saying 
to this there is not an end
voices are singing a song with it bringing 
God waits just around the bend

©2017 blindfish butler