Simultaneous Creation

In the beginning is consciousness.
Thoughts are things.
Thoughts compose and are composed of energy.
Simultaneous creation.
Energy solidifies into matter, matter into reality.
E = mc2, energy and mass are equivalent and transmutable.
Mass of matter times speed of light squared equals energy
The human brain transmits energy slowly, but it is evolving.
When we begin processing thought/energy at greater speed,
memory opens up to include the collective unconsciousness.
We gain greater control over manifestation of thought energy into matter. 
We think our reality into being and it solidifies as everything
is but a matter of probability and possibility. 
To gain use of faster/creative thought on higher levels, 
one’s intention need be true, one’s vibration of great frequency.
This can be focused and forged by the fire of kundalini. It is
this metamorphosis of mankind that will lead to a return to Earth’s Eden.
Our DNA mutation will include greater strands, which like fiber optics,
will carry thought energy waves at greater and faster speed allowing us
to work in the realm of metaphysics. Curiosity drives us. We are travelers.
Image result for mescaline trip pictures
The difference between a traveler and a tourist is a traveler needs no destination.