Small wheel turning by the fire and rod
Big wheel turning by the grace of God
Every time that wheel turn round
Bound to cover just a little more ground
~~ Jerome J. GarciaRobert C. Hunter, William Kreutzmann

Buddhist Wheel of Life

Buddhist Wheel of LifeWheel of Life overview. …
To Buddhists, existence is a cycle of life, death, 
rebirth and suffering that they seek to escape altogether. 
The Wheel is divided into five or six realms, or states,
into which a soul can be reborn. It is held by a demon…

This Enchantment

This enchantment,” James observes, “coming as a gift when it does come – a gift of our organism, the physiologists will tell us, a gift of God’s grace, the theologians say – is either there or not there for us, and there are persons who can no more become possessed by it than they can fall in love with a given woman by mere word of command. Religious feeling is thus an absolute addition to the Subject’s range of life. It gives him a new sphere of power. When the outward battle is lost, and the outer world disowns him, it redeems and vivifies an interior world which otherwise would be an empty waste.”

[Wm. James, “The Varieties of Religious Experience,” pp. 47-48.]

Cosmic Male ~ Mother Nature

Purusha is often likened to the sun while
Prakriti is a flower attracted to and following the sun’s presence

Sun had a dream
I will become the rain
Rain had a thought
I will become the seed
Seed had a truth
I will become a life
Life had a vision
I will become a God
God had a sun …

Your Choice

the process of Observe, Discern, Accept and Neutral to remain in Observer point 
clear and refocus your mind away from fear and controlling the result
by the waters of ODAN
and forged in the fire of sun
lives the creator and created
until the day is done