John Said

John said:
in the beginning the Word already existed
the Word was with GOD
the Word was GOD
the Word gave life to everything created
so the Word became human

John said:
Jesus says
I tell you the truth
unless you are born again
you cannot see the Kingdom of God
humans can only produce human life
the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life
the wind blows wherever it wants
as you can hear the wind
but cannot tell from where it comes
or where it goes
so you cannot explain how
people are born of the spirit

John said:
that God so loved the world
he gave his one and only Son
so that he that believes in him
will not perish but have eternal life
God sent his son into the world
not to judge the world
but to Save the world
God is Love
all who live in Love
live in God
and God lives in them

I say
no man shall say
how we are born of the spirit
no man has this dominion
to be one over another
God is Love, all who live in Love
live in God, and God lives within them

~~ blindfish butler

Yin Yang

Taoism teaches the existence of the TAO
the path of life, the way of nature,
the natural order of the universe,
the way of heaven, some call it God
Tao is Everywhere
the way of being and non-being
of appearance and disappearance

Postcards from the Edge

Thoughts of beyond
mystic visions playing light and shadow
real and surreal interwoven for all to see
eternity a moment’s dance in the Now

where do they go when I turn out the lights
where will I travel when I sleep through the night
postcards from the edge, the razor’s edge divine
thoughts without thinker dancing in twilight

the mind is its playground, sleep and awake
not empty, and void, awaiting fulfillment
but alive and active
a fire with passion to kindle

~~blindfish butler


           Awareness Awakening
       Perceptions Consciousness