The Gates of Heaven have been opened.
Announced in the 60’s,
Harmonic Convergence appeared circa 87, 88.
The Gates of Heaven opened,
the Age of Pisces is now passing from the skies,
we have entered the Age of Aquarius.
Harmony and Understanding.
In the Age of Pisces, Jesus showed us
the Way of the Fish. He was sacrificed.
That time was overcome with duplicitous action,
dualism as two fish, dichotomy as two fish.
Pisces, yin and yang.
In the Age of Aquarius, the aquarium will be balanced.
Jesus was a man
God is Heaven and Earth
We Are The Spirit
Mother and Father, Heaven and Earth, are here.
And Mother needs protecting!
A seed is planted thus it is eternal.
You will exist forever to see this unfold.
Eternity is but a moment’s dance in the Now