Enter a Place

Image result for images of pure white light these things have come to pass
enter a place of pure white light
this place is essence, origin
in this place one finds oneself
and wonders aloud
what is this place and what do I do
do no harm
plant the seed
real eyes realize the truth
we are creator and creation
each and everyone
the vision you have is your vision
that which you place in your mind
will be that which comes to pass
follow your passion, follow your bliss
you are not alone, you are all one
all things are you and you all things
the universe unfolds for you
as you are the you-n-verse
in the beginning was the word
~~blindfish butler

Parable of the Skunk and the Dog

A young dog went to the barn to eat from his bowl at feeding time. When the dog arrived at the barn he discovered a small black and white animal eating from the dish. Being a young dog still unaware of skunk, he rushed to the food bowl and was sprayed terribly. The poor young dog became so sick from smell that he could not eat for days.

Upon feeling better, and driven by great hunger, the young dog ventured again to the barn to eat. Yet again did he come across the small black and white animal eating from his food dish. The young dog began to charge toward the dish when instinctively he froze in place. Terribly frustrated, the young dog began to bark which in turn disturbed the skunk driving it away from the food. Ah ha, said the young dog, now wise to the way of skunk, and patience.

The virtues of life include wisdom and patience. These have been laid down by the elders, the ancients, the sages, and the teachers. The two virtues are interwoven. With great wisdom comes great patience and with great patience comes great wisdom. They come hand in hand.

The key is Awareness or Mindfulness. Awareness of self and of thought. Awareness of all perspective. To develop patience, assess what good has come from one’s impatience in the past. Has it served you well or no. Then be aware of the situations when you become impatient, for they will repeat.

Then Consciously chose how you would wish to respond to these situations prior to their recurrence. Then enter into the situations armed with your new wisdom of how you would like to greet them. Then practice, recognize when you detour from plan (become impatient), analyze your missteps. This recognition and practice will develop a new neural pathway that will in time become more instinctual. And you will be wiser.

Remember the psychological 3’s. Thought, emotion, behavior. Your thought drives your emotion which drives your behavior. Habitual negative thought causes habitual negative emotion and a reactive negative behavior.

~~blindfish butler

Life is a River

Image result for images of buddha“Yes Siddhartha,’ he said. ‘Is this what you mean: that the river is in all places at once, at its source and where it flows into the sea, at the waterfall, at the ferry, at the rapids, in the ocean, in the mountains, everywhere at once, so for the river there is only the present moment and not the shadow of the future?’

‘It is,’ Siddhartha said.’And once I learned this I considered my life, and it too was a river, and the boy Siddhartha was separated from the man Siddhartha and the graybeard Siddhartha only by shadows, not by real things. … Nothing was, nothing will be; everything is, everything has being and presence.” 

Interconnected Systems Theory

Butler Adapted Interconnected Systems Theory Applied to Self

An umbrella paradigm of Self:

4) Spiritual
3) Mental
2) Emotional
1) Physical

these compose the Mind/Body system
the primary components of the mind/body system each are composed of subsystems
interconnected balance of three primary systems (physical, emotional, mental)
prerequisite ascension or enlightenment to spiritual, self-realization, and actualization

Cognitive theory states thought produces emotion which produces behavior
3 produces 2 produces 1
spiritually interconnected thought may produce a self feeding loop and behavior

internal thought can be reactive to outside stimuli
the mind/body system of Self interconnects by way of Relational

paradigm of Relational System
3) relation to Self (how do you perceive yourself)
2) relation to others (how do others perceive you, how do you perceive others)
1) relation to objects (how do you perceive and interact with your universe, environment)


[Samadhi] is a state of super-consciousness, of transcendental consciousness. Consciousness now is only conscious of itself. Consciousness has turned upon itself; the circle is complete. You have come home”.    ~~(Osho: Intuition, p. 54)


Image result for images of ouroboros

New Brain, New World

Welcome to New Brain, New World
       by Erik Hoffmann

We present cutting edge brain research in areas such as Meditation, Brainwave Training, Kundalini Awakening, and Consciousness.

Behavioral Changes in the Awakened State:
 • There are strong perceptual changes: everything looks more vivid, detailed and real. And there’s a much stronger appreciation of beauty.
 • The mind becomes very quiet. The usual incessant stream of comments and judgements about whatever we are experiencing fades away.
 • There is always an inner state of peace and joy which is unshakable, no matter what happens in the outer world. 
• Feelings are still there, but they are short-lived and there is no identification with either feelings or thoughts.
 • Our old personality is still there, but we do not identify with it anymore and can observe it from a higher level.
 • Old belief systems fade away.
 • Love, compassion and a willingness to help others are predominant and it becomes difficult, if not impossible, to hurt other people and animals.
 • All interest in the past and the future is lost, since all focus is on the present moment.
 • Most actions and behaviour are not preceded by thinking but guided by intuition.
 • There is a strong feeling of interconnectedness and empathy between people and between people and Mother Earth. Eventually people will develop a feeling of oneness with the Earth and with everything on it. They will feel they are part of a huge living organism.



Divine Shakti electric lady land
embrace Shiva electric lady man
today has its only one-night stand
self-sole player in a one-man band
where is the beach without any sand
what is the thought we can’t understand
be here be now without any plan
with Shakti the woman and Shiva the man

observe this and that without any other
observe a lost child without any mother
observe boy become man then fighter then lover
observe all as one and one as another
fire deep burning we know not an end
only the lonely search for a friend
sonnets are written with nowhere to send
revelation awaits us around the bend

streets are blood-red, bodies fallen last night
citizens panicked they give up their rights
troops are preparing they’re ready to fight
our flag is waved high have you seen such a sight
kundalini awakens our spirit to grow
we walk through the woods with nowhere to go
nowhere now here I’ve heard that it’s so
a merry-go-round is something we know

chaos with order they bring in a balance
violence with love they offer up a chalice
guru’s great AUM a place with no malice
is wonderland near well just go ask Alice
we create this game so why don’t we play
change keeps us moving so where can we stay
her energy offers another great day
no winning or losing that’s what they say

as round and round it is one more time
all things illusion it’s done with the mind
wake up to Now with rhythm and rhyme
a symbol to waken just show us the sign
observe Buddha teach while we let Jesus preach
observe truth within reach as we practice right speech
observe all that is now with dream that it gives
observe love forgive all and know that God lives

~~blindfish butler

Age of Aquarius

Image result for pictures of aquarius water bearer
The Gates of Heaven have been opened.
Announced in the 60’s,
Harmonic Convergence appeared circa 87, 88.
The Gates of Heaven opened,
the Age of Pisces is now passing from the skies,
we have entered the Age of Aquarius.
Harmony and Understanding.
In the Age of Pisces, Jesus showed us
the Way of the Fish. He was sacrificed.
That time was overcome with duplicitous action,
dualism as two fish, dichotomy as two fish.
Pisces, yin and yang.
In the Age of Aquarius, the aquarium will be balanced.
Jesus was a man
God is Heaven and Earth
We Are The Spirit
Mother and Father, Heaven and Earth, are here.
And Mother needs protecting!
A seed is planted thus it is eternal.
You will exist forever to see this unfold.
Eternity is but a moment’s dance in the Now