Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is a Nobel Peace Prize nominee with an Honorary Doctorate in Cognitive and Para-Psychological Sciences from the Romanian Ecological University in Bucharest.
In 1970, after studying the field of medicine and focusing on the scientific terminology of the anatomy and human physiology, she started Sahaja Yoga, a philosophy of self realiza-tion. Her yoga is now offered in over ninety countries worldwide.
According to Shri Mataji, the shape of the human brain is like a prism. As God’s cosmic energy falls on it, it is refracted into four nervous systems – the left and right sympathetic, the parasympathetic and the central nervous system.
During a baby’s development, those energies that fall on the anterior fontanelle bone of the skull pierce it in the center, and then pass into the lower portion of the brainstem. After leaving a fine thread of Light there, they wind their way down and settle as a coil in the sacrum – the bone at the base of the spine.
As the baby grows, the fontanelle bone begins to calcify so that, around the age of two, the flow of God’s love is cut off from him. This causes him to identify himself as being separate from God and he begins to use his instincts of Survival, Pro-Creation and Willpower to obtain what he needs and wants. These are the energies of the physical, the emotional and the mental ‘bodies’ – the three lower Chakras.
What science does not yet understand is that there is a gap in the parasympathetic nervous system, between the vagus nerve and the solar plexus. This is part of our genetic blueprint. In Latin, the word vagus means ‘wandering’. And, as long as the child continues to identify himself as being separate from God, his consciousness will dwell in these three lower centers of energy. This is the hurdle that will limit his search for God and leave him to wander aimlessly through life.
By his Spirit he has garnished the Heavens; His hand has formed the crooked Serpent. Job 26:13

The word kundalini is a Sanskrit term that means ‘a coiled energy originating from the base of the spine’. And, once the kundalini is awakened, tremendous power is unleashed, the same neutron energy that powers the orgasmic response.
In its relentless attempt to reach the higher Chakras, it will then wind its way up from the sacrum, through a central passage called sushumna, which fills in the gap in the nervous systems. The result is an enLightening expansion of consciousness that affects every element of our being, from our biological functions to our personal relationships, to our concept of reality, to our influence in the world.
Quetzalcoatl, the god of the ancient Mayans, is known as the Feathered Serpent because of his actions in Eden. But this god is not a serpent. He is like a winged angel that has emerged from the coiled, serpentine energy of the kundalini. He is a Spirit that had been transfigured from a physical body.
In the Greek language, the word sacrum means ‘sacred’. There is but one bone in our bodies that is holy – the sacrum.
To him who overcomes, I will give the right to eat from the Tree of Life, which is in the paradise of God. Revelation 2:7
~~reposted from Vicky Anderson hiddenlighthouse